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Please use this template to prepare your abstract for AAEV 2023 Annual Meeting overwriting our placeholder text and instructions. This template lists all required components of our abstract and relevant editorial guidelines and policies. Using the template will ensure your article is complete
and adheres to our guidance.

Title [up to 150 characters (including spaces), sentence case, no
John G. Smith 1 † and Jane S. Doe 2
1 Department of xxxx, Institution, City, State/province (if applicable), Country/Region
2 Department of xxxx, Institution, City, State/province (if applicable), Country/Region
† e-mail: [corresponding author(s)are marked with dagger(s) † in the author
General guidance for the abstract body text
The abstract should be around 200-300 words.
Key words: 5 key words should be included in and separated by comma.



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